Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Your skin is few ingredients away from looking radiant:

Do you have different shades on your face? Darker under eye area? Acne, blemishes, black spots, dull skin, wrinkles in a young age? Don’t worry just stay calm, everything is in your kitchen to get rid of undesired things on your face.
Every girl/ woman wants her skin to be glowing and healthy whether you are a mother or a student everyone desires a good healthy fresh face, our face is the first thing that is exposed to direct sunlight or harmful pollution, but if you take care of your skin and clean it daily with some home ingredients it will remain fresh and healthy
There are many naturally occurring ingredients and are very beneficial for your skin, they have number of properties that help make your skin healthier and better, just take out time for yourself and make these masks and enjoy your lovely skin.

  1. Rejuvenation treatment:

Cucumber is very rich in water making it good for the nourishment and hydration of your skin, it contains astringent which is very beneficial for skin that has acne and very essential for rejuvenating your skin, also the anti-oxidant properties of cucumber helps in glowing the skin and it makes you look younger by making your wrinkles go away, especially that are under your eyes.
All you have to do is
  • Grate one cucumber
  • Take 3 table spoons of grated cucumber and mix it with 1 cup of yogurt
  • Make the mask and apply it on your face properly until it hardens and then take it off by washing your face with slight cold water.
  • Repeat it thrice a week.
  1. Clean skin:

Clean skin means, no dark spots, no marks, no acne, no aging lines, no stretch marks, no different shades of skin and a good toned color of your face. There are many natural home remedies but the most beneficial and the affective one is what I am going to tell you, it consists of only two kitchen ingredients.
All you have to do is:
  • take 4 table spoons of milk (it would be better if its fresh cooled down boiled milk) and 2 table spoons full of tomato juice, mix both of them and take a cotton and dip it in the mixture
  • Apply it on your face daily after 30 minutes wash it off with Luke warm water.
Tomato has astringents, black-head removal and it also has properties of reducing oil from your skin, which is very good for your skin. Eating tomatoes is also very beneficial as it changes your dark color to a very lighter one.
  1. Black head removal:

Black heads are caused by the oil that reacts with air and oxidizes itself hence changing its color to a darker black one. There are many ways to get rid of black heads at home using natural ingredients and leaving the pores open.
All you have to do is:
  • Take one egg, remove egg yolk
  • Make sure your face is clean and dry, not oily at all.
  • Take a brush and apply the egg white on your face and cover it with a tissue paper. Let it dry
  • Apply egg white again on the tissue and let it dry
  • Take off the mask once its dried and you will see blackheads on the tissue.
Eggs contain proteins which are very good for skin as they tone your skin, they help in removing black-heads, wrinkles.  This mask also takes out the impurities that have blocked your skin, so egg whites are very essential for skin, they open your pores and let your skin breathe and leaves it fresh.
  1. Anti-acne mask:

Acne is caused by the blocked pores, oily skin and bacteria. To get rid of acne there are many tips and tricks, but here I am going to share with you an easiest and affective remedy, all the ingredients from the kitchen.
All you have to do is:
  • Take honey, green tea, sugar and lemon drops
  • Mix together 2 table spoons of green tea, 2 table spoons of honey, 2 tea spoons of lemon juice and 5 tea spoons of brown sugar
  • Apply it on your face with a brush or your fingers.
  • Leave it on for until its dried
  • Wash it off later with Luke warm water
Repeat it twice a week and you will see the results.
  1. Healthy skin:

Healthy skin means, perfect skin color, no blemishes, no aging wrinkles, no scars, black spots, no acne, just beautiful and healthy, you are only three ingredients away from getting a healthy skin.
All you have to do is:
  • Mix 4 table spoons of milk (preferably fresh milk), 2 table spoons heaped sandalwood powder and four strands of saffron
  • Make sure your face in clean and dry and not oily
  • Apply the mixture on your skin, and massage it gently
  • Put it on for thirty minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water
  • Repeat it twice a week for good results
Saffron contains manganese, vitamin C, 150 volatile compounds. It not only good for your skin but also good for many other diseases. It makes your skin healthy but making regulate blood on your face.
  1. Oily skin stopper:

There are many people who are tired of their oily face, but now not more. There are many affective home remedies to fight oily skin and have a fresh glowing skin. You only need two ingredients for this.
All you have to do is:
  • Mix two table spoons of aloe Vera gel (must be fresh) with only one tea spoon of turmeric powder.
  • Apply this mask on your face for good thirty minutes
  • Rinse it off with Luke warm water after thirty minutes.
  • Repeat it twice a week
Aloe Vera is a very good naturally occurring anti-oxidants. Its gel is very beneficial to remove oil from your face.

All these natural ingredients will make your skin glow and get rid of un wanted things from your face a leaving your face glowing and fresh. All you have to do it repeat it for the times mentioned above and you will see the results yourself.

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