Monday, January 1, 2018

How to reduce belly fat naturally?

Unable to wear fancy dresses that makes you look fatty and tried everything and nothing works to cut down the excessive belly fat obviously you didn’t get that fat in one day, you need to have patience and motivation to flush out that fat from your belly and believe me reduce belly fat naturally is very easy if you want to do it. Don’t stop eating just eat at the right time, the right food and workout, the more you eat, more you have to workout out.
Belly fat lies underneath your muscles inside your belly which affects your health in long term for example after storage of fat in the stomach it covers heart which may lead to heart attacks, diabetes and many other diseases and problems inside your body, and when you grow older you are unable to walk and do a couple of more things you want to.
But if you want to look slim you can easily reduce your belly fat, all you have to do is be determined and you can reduce it and completely get rid of it using all the natural and easy ways, no need to go to expensive gyms and workout places, which will make you lose your belly fat in a short time which is not healthy, all you have to do is follow this routine until you lose your belly fat.
Some of the effective and best natural tips are here under:
  1. Diet control:
Diet control means, controlling your diet, eating food that is only healthy and yes also the timing of eating matters, there are many foods and fruits that make you lose your belly fat like grape fruit, if eaten thrice a day with other meals results in the weigh loss. Lemon water if taken in the morning can also flatten your stomach, green tea helps in digestion of food and makes you feel light, burns calories, and also has cleansing properties. Also follow a proper diet plan don’t eat all the time, eat properly in the morning breakfast and a good lunch but try to eat less at night (dinner) or eat dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed and walk before sleeping, if you feel hungry at anytime of the day after breakfast or lunch just take in water, eat fruits in the day time avoid eating fruits at night especially bananas. Consume fiber foods they will make you feel your stomach is full. Have a good night sleep because if you don’t sleep proper you may feel hungry and eat at the time of sleeping. Avoid consuming junk food, foods like curd, spinach, green veggies, eggs, oats etc. helps with the loss of fats

  1. Workout:
Diet control only works fast if you exercise regularly, exercise not only makes your fat burn but also makes you strong otherwise you will be just a skinny and a weak person. So exercise makes your blood flow all around your body, makes your bones moves, builds muscles and makes you stronger and makes you lose fat, when you start to lose weight you get motivated and eat less sugar or foods that makes you fat and you are energized and motivated more towards your goals, any type of workout that involves moving your body is considered as a workout, just sitting idol and eating will only make you fat, just 45 minutes of walk (fast) or jogging for 20 minutes can help a lot. Some of the workout that burns your fat very quickly are cycling (cycling not only reduces your belly fat but also thighs fat), swimming (it involves your energy which results in fat loss), jogging (it’s a very healthy routine, makes your legs stronger and burns your belly fat very quickly), dancing also involves movement of your body, the more you sweat the more the fat is burnt. The most effective workout for burning belly fat is crunches in the morning and at night before sleeping, flutter kicks, plank rotations, glute bridge, ab bikes, mountain climbers and wind shield wipers, 3 sets including 30 reps each.
  1. Increase rate of metabolism:
If your metabolism is fast you can lose belly fat very fast. People having a high metabolism rate burns more calories than the people who have slow metabolism rate, metabolism can be boosted by eating healthy foods and the foods that makes shed belly fat fast, like;
chia seeds: they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins, they are best in burning your calories and very healthy.
Green veggies (mostly leafy): green veggies contain fiber, iron and zinc, helps in burning calories, should be eaten daily for the people who have belly fat.
Green tea, ginger tea, fresh fruits, fresh juice, coconut oil, fish (salmon, sardines and tuna), nuts avoid eating excess sugar, artificial sweeteners. Follow these steps eat the right kinds of fats and remain healthy and fat free, whenever you feel hungry just consumer water, water is very necessary to flush out fats from your belly and always drink water while sitting and in three sips and never drink water after eating food, always drink water before eating anything or in the middle otherwise your stomach will come out.

Belly fat is the first thing that is reduced when you start to follow all these routines and tips regularly and no turning back, once you start to follow this routine there is no turning back. The right kind of food, right kind of workout and boosting your metabolism makes you lose your belly fat, don’t try to follow the week plan or 2 week plan that will only make you weak, the process has to go through a number of stage so that you are healthy at the end not just a weak bony and unable to walk with dark circles under the eyes and a pale color. Eat, workout, sleep and repeat. And don’t take stress if you love your body, otherwise you will get fat.

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