Thursday, December 7, 2017

7 foods that help in weight loss

Worried about your weight? And can’t leave food and don’t want to go to gym or work out? Don’t worry there are 7 foods that help in weight loss & many more ideas to lose weight other than working out, I am here sharing with you seven foods to consume to help in reduction of weight.
There are calories in foods, but every food doesn’t contain calorie, they have different metabolic function inside your body and have different effects on hunger and hormonal functions.
The seven most weight loss friendly foods are listed below:
  1. Egg:
Whole eggs (egg white and yolk both) were first feared to be high in cholesterol hence making a person fat so people stopped consuming eggs, now eggs are back. According to the new studies it is suggested that eggs don’t have cholesterol and they are not the cause of heart attacks in people. So, this is the number one food that helps in losing weight.
Eggs are rich in protein, nutrients, vitamin A, D and E and they also reduce hunger making your stomach feel full.
There are different types of egg diets, eating either only eggs or eating eggs with other vegetables. A boiled egg has less cholesterol w.r.t a fried egg and you need 1200-1400 calories per day and one boiled egg contains 78 calories. 6 eggs a day would do. And with that take in juices and lots of water and repeat it daily. You will see a drastic change in your weight in just a few weeks. Especially eating egg in breakfast makes you lose weight fast.
2. Veggies (green vegetables):
Green vegetables like spinach, cucumbers, beans, mint and leafy greens they all have those specific properties that helps lose weight fast. Their properties like having lots of fiber and low fats and calories make them a perfect food to lose weight and after eating them you feel fresh. They are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, calcium. Which speeds up the process of burning fats and wiping it off your body leaving you energetic. You are supposed to eat 20 grams fiber per day in a veggie diet, choose the veggies you love. Because fiber makes you less hungry throughout the day making you lose weight quickly.
Just replace your junk food with veggies and see the magic.
3. Soups:
May it be chicken soup or veggies soup both are high in energy, they both give you energy in liquid forms and keep your stomach full all the time also keeping you healthy. Water makes you lose weight more faster as compared to the solid foods you eat all day, you get equal amount of energy, but it won’t make you fat.
Taking in soup before you have lunch or dinner is very necessary as it will make you feel your stomach is full and you won’t eat much. You will shed pounds in weeks if you adopt this technique for 2,3 weeks regularly.
4. Cottage Cheese:
Cottage cheese is high in protein as it’s a dairy product and all dairy foods are rich in proteins and ultimately proteins are very necessary for your body, eat whatever makes you healthy and energetic and fresh, don’t consume fatty foods as they only make you fatter leaving you lazy, dull, sleepy and craving for more and more food.
Cottage cheese has less amount of fats and carbohydrates, eat as much you can in a day, it will make your appetite full all day that won’t make you eat more and more, you will feel full all the time with very less intake of calories. It also has calcium and calcium burns your fat faster.
5. Fruits:
Fruit is very healthy to be taken all day as a diet control. There are some fruits that prevents gaining fats and helps in weight loss maintain your energy levels and or boosting them, people who consume fruits are much healthier and energetic than the people who don’t consume fruits. Fruits are full of fiber which makes sugar from the fruits not releasing into the stream of blood they help boost your metabolism which in turn makes you lose weight. They help keep you away from cravings, the fruits that make you lose weight quickly are, guava, pear, orange, peach etc.
6. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is highly beneficial for being healthy, it has number of health benefits. It helps you lose weight. You can change your cooking oil to coconut oil and see the drastic change in your health and weight at the end of the month. Coconut oil has MCT which make fats burn and you don’t need or crave for food all the time, it makes your stomach feel full all the time. All you can do is take in only 2 table spoons full of coconut oil per day it will help in losing weight. It will burn your fats and you will see a good change in your body without even working out or going to gym, its highly effective in losing weight.
7. Green Tea: (without sugar)
You may already know it, or may already use it, but let me tell you how it helps. It is great in losing weight and keeping you healthy, fresh and light throughout the day day. It helps burn fats, eradicates issues with heart, and protection from few types of cancers. It is a source of epigallocatechin gallate which is very useful in burning fat, mostly belly fat, it also boosts metabolism. Only 3 cups of green tea would do, don’t add sugar, if you can’t just drink it without sugar then add in one table spoon of fresh honey. Green tea surely makes the fat of your waist and belly burn.
All above mentioned foods are highly natural and affective and very healthy, its not only for obese people but slim people can also try this to maintain themselves. All these foods will make your fat burn leaving your body energetic and healthy.

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