Thursday, December 14, 2017

How to reduce belly fat naturally?

How to reduce belly fat naturally?

Unable to wear fancy dresses that makes you look fatty and tried everything and nothing works to cut down the excessive belly fat obviously you didn’t get that fat in one day, you need to have patience and motivation to flush out that fat from your belly and believe me reduce belly fat naturally is very easy if you want to do it. Don’t stop eating just eat at the right time, the right food and workout, the more you eat, more you have to workout out.
Belly fat lies underneath your muscles inside your belly which affects your health in long term for example after storage of fat in the stomach it covers heart which may lead to heart attacks, diabetes and many other diseases and problems inside your body, and when you grow older you are unable to walk and do a couple of more things you want to.
But if you want to look slim you can easily reduce your belly fat, all you have to do is be determined and you can reduce it and completely get rid of it using all the natural and easy ways, no need to go to expensive gyms and workout places, which will make you lose your belly fat in a short time which is not healthy, all you have to do is follow this routine until you lose your belly fat.
Some of the effective and best natural tips are here under:
  1. Diet control:
Diet control means, controlling your diet, eating food that is only healthy and yes also the timing of eating matters, there are many foods and fruits that make you lose your belly fat like grape fruit, if eaten thrice a day with other meals results in the weigh loss. Lemon water if taken in the morning can also flatten your stomach, green tea helps in digestion of food and makes you feel light, burns calories, and also has cleansing properties. Also follow a proper diet plan don’t eat all the time, eat properly in the morning breakfast and a good lunch but try to eat less at night (dinner) or eat dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed and walk before sleeping, if you feel hungry at anytime of the day after breakfast or lunch just take in water, eat fruits in the day time avoid eating fruits at night especially bananas. Consume fiber foods they will make you feel your stomach is full. Have a good night sleep because if you don’t sleep proper you may feel hungry and eat at the time of sleeping. Avoid consuming junk food, foods like curd, spinach, green veggies, eggs, oats etc. helps with the loss of fats

  1. Workout:
Diet control only works fast if you exercise regularly, exercise not only makes your fat burn but also makes you strong otherwise you will be just a skinny and a weak person. So exercise makes your blood flow all around your body, makes your bones moves, builds muscles and makes you stronger and makes you lose fat, when you start to lose weight you get motivated and eat less sugar or foods that makes you fat and you are energized and motivated more towards your goals, any type of workout that involves moving your body is considered as a workout, just sitting idol and eating will only make you fat, just 45 minutes of walk (fast) or jogging for 20 minutes can help a lot. Some of the workout that burns your fat very quickly are cycling (cycling not only reduces your belly fat but also thighs fat), swimming (it involves your energy which results in fat loss), jogging (it’s a very healthy routine, makes your legs stronger and burns your belly fat very quickly), dancing also involves movement of your body, the more you sweat the more the fat is burnt. The most effective workout for burning belly fat is crunches in the morning and at night before sleeping, flutter kicks, plank rotations, glute bridge, ab bikes, mountain climbers and wind shield wipers, 3 sets including 30 reps each.
  1. Increase rate of metabolism:
If your metabolism is fast you can lose belly fat very fast. People having a high metabolism rate burns more calories than the people who have slow metabolism rate, metabolism can be boosted by eating healthy foods and the foods that makes shed belly fat fast, like;
chia seeds: they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins, they are best in burning your calories and very healthy.
Green veggies (mostly leafy): green veggies contain fiber, iron and zinc, helps in burning calories, should be eaten daily for the people who have belly fat.
Green tea, ginger tea, fresh fruits, fresh juice, coconut oil, fish (salmon, sardines and tuna), nuts avoid eating excess sugar, artificial sweeteners. Follow these steps eat the right kinds of fats and remain healthy and fat free, whenever you feel hungry just consumer water, water is very necessary to flush out fats from your belly and always drink water while sitting and in three sips and never drink water after eating food, always drink water before eating anything or in the middle otherwise your stomach will come out.

Belly fat is the first thing that is reduced when you start to follow all these routines and tips regularly and no turning back, once you start to follow this routine there is no turning back. The right kind of food, right kind of workout and boosting your metabolism makes you lose your belly fat, don’t try to follow the week plan or 2 week plan that will only make you weak, the process has to go through a number of stage so that you are healthy at the end not just a weak bony and unable to walk with dark circles under the eyes and a pale color. Eat, workout, sleep and repeat. And don’t take stress if you love your body, otherwise you will get fat.

9 benefits of Aloe Vera you didn’t know exist

Aloe Vera is a wonder plant, it is a stem plant, filled with gel. Cultivated all around the world, its used in many medicines now, it is a miracle plant which has a number of benefits because of its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, its not a seasonal plant, can be used in all seasons, you can also grow it at home.
Its mostly used in beauty products, skin care, health issues etc. its prickly and bitter leaves make the plant away from animals and insects, the gel inside it is 96% water, and other percentages of proteins, amino acids, Vitamin A, B, C and E. some of its thousands of benefits include these below:

  1. Good night sleep:

If you are facing insomnia every night and tired of taking sleeping pills, you should try aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera helps you sleep at night because of its properties that it emits oxygen at night making you take in oxygen and helps you have a restful slumber. Its very easy to grow at your home and it spreads into many baby plants, doesn’t even require much watering. So, try this for a good night sleep next time and also recommend it to your friends and family if they are facing any issues with sleeping.

  1. Weight loss:
Aloe Vera is getting very beneficial if it comes to beauty, health etc. due to its numerous properties. Aloe Vera clears toxins from your body and you lose fat and waste. It has aloin compounds which makes your body cleanse internally. Aloe Vera’s gel when eaten can burn your fat and improves your metabolism, it is a natural laxative which helps our body to detoxify and eliminate fat and leaves you healthy and beautiful by maintaining your body in natural equilibrium state. If you can’t just take in this bitter plant just mix it with lemon, strawberry, cucumber or pine apple juice.

  1. Cracked feet:
Aloe Vera also helps in removing dry and cracked heels problem leaving them nourished and soft. Heels get cracked due to a number of problems inside your body like, dehydration, diabetes etc. so you should moisturize your feet eat green veggies or you can also follow a home remedy using aloe. All you have to do is first moisturize your feet for at least five minutes and then apply fresh aloe Vera gel. Or you can also moisturize your feet with aloe gel first and then use glycerin mixed with honey 3:1 proportion and using a cotton apply it on your feet and wear socks.

  1. Frizzy hair:
Aloe Vera is the best solution for almost all your problems with hair, may it be split ends, dry, rough, frizzy hair. Aloe Vera is rich in amino acids which makes it a best solution for treating frizzy hair and leaves them healthy and shiny, it also detangles your hair by the moisturizer it gives to your hair from your scalp to your ends of the hair. You should apply aloe twice a week on your scalp and all your hair.

  1. Sunburn:

Aloe Vera helps in sunburns and mild burns very effectively. Aloe is the herbal remedy used since long, so as aloe Vera isn’t expensive, and you can also grow it at home. It heals your burns very quickly, it is a great relief to all your pains. All you have to do is cut the aloe plant in half and rub the gel side of the plant on the affected area for 10 minutes.

  1. Dark circles:
When you lose or gain excess weight and your skin damages due to direct sunlight exposure your under-eye area gets effected and you may get wrinkles in an early age, so there are many home remedies to treat under-eye area, but the best solution is aloe Vera. All you have to do is take aloe Vera gel and vitamin E capsules and mix them both together and cool them, and then soak the cotton in it and keep the cotton on your dark circles for thirty minutes. Repeat this everyday for best results in a short time.

  1. Acne:
Aloe Vera’s anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties helps it fight the bacteria that causes acne on your skin. It fastens the process of healing and leaves no scars behind. Its very simple to use, whenever you get acne just take aloe Vera gel and rub it on your pimples and leave it over-night, wash it off when you wake up with Luke warm water.

  1. Wrinkles:
Your skin needs collagen to not let wrinkles make home on your face. By consuming aloe Vera, you can fight wrinkles because aloe Vera has collagen which doesn’t let wrinkles come. It works from the inside out to reverse your aged skin. So, consume aloe Vera according to doctor’s prescription or make face masks and apply them thrice a week for quick results.

  1. Brow gel:
Afraid of thin brows? That’s just not a problem anymore if you know about this miracle plant and its magic. Yes, I am talking about aloe Vera. It nourishes your hair follicles and make the process of hair growth really fast. Just take the aloe Vera gel and rub on your brows daily and watch the wonders of this plant.

Aloe Vera is a miracle plant which has many properties and should never be neglected. Just grow it in your home and use it every week for different treatments and love yourself and aloe Vera.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

7 foods that help in weight loss

Worried about your weight? And can’t leave food and don’t want to go to gym or work out? Don’t worry there are 7 foods that help in weight loss & many more ideas to lose weight other than working out, I am here sharing with you seven foods to consume to help in reduction of weight.
There are calories in foods, but every food doesn’t contain calorie, they have different metabolic function inside your body and have different effects on hunger and hormonal functions.
The seven most weight loss friendly foods are listed below:
  1. Egg:
Whole eggs (egg white and yolk both) were first feared to be high in cholesterol hence making a person fat so people stopped consuming eggs, now eggs are back. According to the new studies it is suggested that eggs don’t have cholesterol and they are not the cause of heart attacks in people. So, this is the number one food that helps in losing weight.
Eggs are rich in protein, nutrients, vitamin A, D and E and they also reduce hunger making your stomach feel full.
There are different types of egg diets, eating either only eggs or eating eggs with other vegetables. A boiled egg has less cholesterol w.r.t a fried egg and you need 1200-1400 calories per day and one boiled egg contains 78 calories. 6 eggs a day would do. And with that take in juices and lots of water and repeat it daily. You will see a drastic change in your weight in just a few weeks. Especially eating egg in breakfast makes you lose weight fast.
2. Veggies (green vegetables):
Green vegetables like spinach, cucumbers, beans, mint and leafy greens they all have those specific properties that helps lose weight fast. Their properties like having lots of fiber and low fats and calories make them a perfect food to lose weight and after eating them you feel fresh. They are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, calcium. Which speeds up the process of burning fats and wiping it off your body leaving you energetic. You are supposed to eat 20 grams fiber per day in a veggie diet, choose the veggies you love. Because fiber makes you less hungry throughout the day making you lose weight quickly.
Just replace your junk food with veggies and see the magic.
3. Soups:
May it be chicken soup or veggies soup both are high in energy, they both give you energy in liquid forms and keep your stomach full all the time also keeping you healthy. Water makes you lose weight more faster as compared to the solid foods you eat all day, you get equal amount of energy, but it won’t make you fat.
Taking in soup before you have lunch or dinner is very necessary as it will make you feel your stomach is full and you won’t eat much. You will shed pounds in weeks if you adopt this technique for 2,3 weeks regularly.
4. Cottage Cheese:
Cottage cheese is high in protein as it’s a dairy product and all dairy foods are rich in proteins and ultimately proteins are very necessary for your body, eat whatever makes you healthy and energetic and fresh, don’t consume fatty foods as they only make you fatter leaving you lazy, dull, sleepy and craving for more and more food.
Cottage cheese has less amount of fats and carbohydrates, eat as much you can in a day, it will make your appetite full all day that won’t make you eat more and more, you will feel full all the time with very less intake of calories. It also has calcium and calcium burns your fat faster.
5. Fruits:
Fruit is very healthy to be taken all day as a diet control. There are some fruits that prevents gaining fats and helps in weight loss maintain your energy levels and or boosting them, people who consume fruits are much healthier and energetic than the people who don’t consume fruits. Fruits are full of fiber which makes sugar from the fruits not releasing into the stream of blood they help boost your metabolism which in turn makes you lose weight. They help keep you away from cravings, the fruits that make you lose weight quickly are, guava, pear, orange, peach etc.
6. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is highly beneficial for being healthy, it has number of health benefits. It helps you lose weight. You can change your cooking oil to coconut oil and see the drastic change in your health and weight at the end of the month. Coconut oil has MCT which make fats burn and you don’t need or crave for food all the time, it makes your stomach feel full all the time. All you can do is take in only 2 table spoons full of coconut oil per day it will help in losing weight. It will burn your fats and you will see a good change in your body without even working out or going to gym, its highly effective in losing weight.
7. Green Tea: (without sugar)
You may already know it, or may already use it, but let me tell you how it helps. It is great in losing weight and keeping you healthy, fresh and light throughout the day day. It helps burn fats, eradicates issues with heart, and protection from few types of cancers. It is a source of epigallocatechin gallate which is very useful in burning fat, mostly belly fat, it also boosts metabolism. Only 3 cups of green tea would do, don’t add sugar, if you can’t just drink it without sugar then add in one table spoon of fresh honey. Green tea surely makes the fat of your waist and belly burn.
All above mentioned foods are highly natural and affective and very healthy, its not only for obese people but slim people can also try this to maintain themselves. All these foods will make your fat burn leaving your body energetic and healthy.

How to get rid of acne and its scars fast

Acne is caused by different reasons on different skins, acne is very normal that can affect many people. Acne mostly happen in teenagers, the main reason is puberty which changes hormone levels and makes your skin oily, oily skin is a protection for your skin, this oil then mixes up with the dead cells, blocks the pores of the skin causing bacteria to grow causing itching and making skin to rise and fill with pus, these risen skin is called acne. Hormones are the main reason for the acne growth, direct sunlight also causes acne. The main parts for the acne growth are, neck, face, stomach, feet, chest and back. They don’t harm you much but a person who has it feels uncomfortable due to his/her appearance.
Now you don’t need to be stressed out because there are some quick home remedies which will make your acne disappear in a very short time without leaving behind any scars, marks or black spots.
  1. Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil is the effective method to treat pimple/acne as it has natural antibacterial properties which fights with bacteria causing acne and ends them, also good for blemishes and it leaves the skin bright and beautiful.
  • Take few drop of tea tree oil in a container and take some cotton and dip that cotton in the oil completely and rub it on your pimples at night and leave it overnight.
  • You can also mix the 1tbsp tea tree oil with 2 lemon drops and 1 tbsp. aloe Vera gel and then with the help of cotton apply it on your pimples overnight and wash it in the morning.
Make sure your face is clean before applying this remedy.
2. Steam:
Steam is very good for the skin also best for treating acne. The steam opens the pores of your skin to pass oxygen and leave it fresh which results in no blockage of pores, no reaction of oil with bacteria. If you have pimples all you must do is follow these simple steps:
  • Take a big container and add in water, bring it to boil then cover it with a lid, take a towel wrap it around your head and don’t let the steam escape and let the steam come on your face, close your eyes and take steam for some time. After taking steam wait for couple of minutes and wash your face with tap water. And after that apply any oil-free cream.
3. Garlic:
Garlic treats pimples overnight just because of the properties it has. It is anti-oxidant and contains Sulphur which heals your skin and fights against acne. All you must do is follow these simple steps, make sure your face is oil free and clean:
  • Take one garlic clove, peel it and cut it into pieces, rub that inner juicy part on your pimple and leave it overnight.
  • Repeat this treatment every night if you don’t get your result in one night.

4. Baking soda:
Baking soda helps fights pimples off your skin as it’s an exfoliator that exfoliates your skin and makes the skin pores open letting the air in out of your skin. All you must do is follow these steps:
  • Take 1 table spoon of baking soda and few drops of lemon juice and mix them well.
  • Make sure your skin is clean and dry, apply it on your pimples/acne only and leave it for few minutes, not for more than few minutes. Wash your face with tap water and repeat this twice a day for quick results.
5. Honey:
Natural honey is a great antibiotic that help fight in number of diseases and problems, not just with your skin but also internal problems. Its antibiotic properties make it speed of the process of fighting with the bacteria that causes acne and removes it in some time. All you have to do is follow these simple steps to get rid of acne:
  • Either mix lemon drops with honey or use it alone and take cotton and dip it in the honey and rub it on your pimples, do it regularly and you will see the results in a very short time.
  • Apply it on your clean and dry face.

7. Papaya:
Papaya has several antibiotic properties that help fight with the acne and end them. It is an anti-oxidant that help kill inflammation it has vitamin A. leaving your skin smooth and shiny.
  • Grind the papaya and stain out its juice, take a brush and apply that juice on your face for good 20 minutes. Make sure your skin is dry and clean before applying this.
  • You can also make a mask of, all you have to do is take the papaya, grind it, separate the juice and take the extract left behind and apply it on your face unit it dries, then wash it off with a face wash.

8. Aloe Vera gel:
 Natural aloe Vera gel has so many properties to treat your hair, skin and other internal problems. It helps heal acne. All you have to is follow these steps:
  • Cut the natural occurring aloe plant and cut it into half, scrape out its gel using the spoon or a knife.
  • Don’t mix it with anything.
  • Just apply the gel on your pimples or your whole face for thirty minutes or overnight.
You should test your skin before using aloe as it’s not good for every skin.

Use any home remedy mentioned above for quick results, these remedies not just make your skin pimples free but also exfoliates your whole skin making it to breathe and leave it smooth and shiny.


I was young and blossoming. I owned the same sort of life as other girls in the neighborhood, but nothing comes out of it. I was young, and I knew that what I didn’t know transcends what I did know, to such a degree that left me thinking I knew nothing at all. I knew I was a child, a daughter and the firstborn of my family. I knew I had a Dad who was literately supported by a Mum. I knew I had two naughty and agile lovely sisters, and not even a brother. I knew we had a duplex and a car. I knew certainly all that, and there were no reasons tangible for me not to know them.
I grew up in an estate- Oluyole Estate in Ibadan, among people who were sprightly people of memory. It was only a drowning dummy who would stay over for two or three days in the heart of Ibadan, and then strive to forget Ibadan and its people with a wave of the hand. Apart from that, I own to my credit the ability to hold and recall memories as vivid as walking up to a cinema and seeing my past life in motion pictures. People around me knew this, and they haven’t failed for once in their lifetime to erroneously attribute that trait to a grandpa or great grandpa who was even more abstract and obscure than my imagination. As I grew, I discovered that sometimes, when situations sternly demand one to be pensive, memories which could either be squalid or gorgeous tend to be the aspirin of the present headaches. We have been exhorted by forgotten faces but echoing voices several times that we should get the past behind us, as though the past was just something we could detach from ourselves and thrust into a trash bin, only to look right in front of us, hoping to see the future but seeing the past in bright lights again. Whenever I decide to consume my privacy, I ultimately consumed it upon my memories. I remember those faces that made me smile, that made me laugh, and then that made me cry bitterly. I could recall those places I had seen, and I had seen with my mouth opened wide in sheer amazement. The memories like flies gathering around a heap of shit or like vultures hovering over a corpse, converge in my head in varied forms, beating the north pole of emotions against the south pole, and afterward, I would feel something, yet I could not point a finger at what exactly I felt. It feels like being caught in the middle of sheep and wolves, yet I knew nothing.
When I’m in a company of people who happened to be my mates or were even younger folks, I had nothing to say. I had nothing to tell, not because I was as bashful as a schoolgirl, but because I knew nothing at all. But, ere long, I suspected that as time went on, I would need to say something, I felt I needed to tell something so that someday, they would not tell me they couldn’t recognize my voice and darken their doors against me. So I decided to tell stories. Whose story could I tell? Whose story did I know? I knew nothing even to the extent that I knew no one of whose story I could tell. I started telling lies. I told stories of aliens in outer space, in planets unknown who lived their lives upside down. I spoke of the horrid aliens whose food is flesh, and whose wine is blood. They were never vampires, neither cannibals nor savages, but ate flesh and drank blood with the first-class appetite, picking their teeth with bones after meals. I said that their teeth were like forks but were as pointed as the knives in Mom’s kitchen. They survived wars and battles, and peace to them meant starvation- the deadliest drought in existence. I told them of these adventures, and their impulses and moods swung in and out from excitement to dread like seasons. They listened, and I enjoyed seeing my lies infallibly printing itself on them. They asked me where I got those stories from, instead of saying I read it from a book, or at least tell them I was merely lying, I told them that whenever I go to sleep, I did spend much time in the cinema. However, I began to shrink, I began to turn pale when my listeners told me they have started seeing movies in their dreams too, which were more interesting than mine, and I lost all my listeners.
Though I knew nothing sufficient to be regarded brilliant or intelligent, I knew I was living a good life, but I was not sure if I was living right. To me, there was nothing in life which deserves to be called evil or bad. I never saw hostility neither have I seen savage cruelty at close quarters. Though, if I claim to have never heard of news which carried horrendous themes, whether of murder or of arm robbery, or abduction, or even the so-called blood money, I’m simply lying, just like I have been doing all my life. Or if I announce that I have never felt pain and anguish, or cried and was never angry, I’m just endeavoring to paint my world utopian senselessly on a grungy wall. Yet I felt the word ‘bad’ existed same as the word ‘impossible’, words which existed, but their meanings were as extinct as things which never existed. The horrible news I heard and saw on T.V, the ones I heard on radios and the pictures I have seen on newspapers were treated just as my stories were treated. I gave them a tag which made it infeasible for me to see them as real, but that people with the same mind as I, and who have developed their skills in lying by going to school, were the ones who created those lies which they called news. I laughed silently whenever I see Mom, in her feminine manner express shock and distress at the news I considered lies, praying for God’s protection on her husband, on herself and her children.
My pastor- whose religious fanaticism I had taken for dramatic witticism- had narrated the biography of Lucifer, aka Satan to us a trillion times from the pulpit. Though I wasn’t intelligent, I needed no one to tell me my fictional aliens bore the same resemblance to the actual Lucifer. I did not cease to wonder who he really was, who gave birth to him, and if he had a mustache. I had tried to investigate his existence from my tutors at school, but they seemed to dread him more than fire. They had asked why I took more interest in him than God, and I thought I was committing a sin. I never saw him until one day.
Dad came home early one evening with a hot blood. He ignored my greeting and brushed my little sisters aside when, an effort to embrace him, cleaved to his legs. We watched Dad sprint upstairs with vim, and we doubted our eyes for the first time in our lives even when we were not aged or infirm. We have never seen Dad like that before, it sounds truly like a lie, but it is the truth, my sisters could bare me, witness. The next minute, we could hear audibly Dad raving at Mum, asking her who the man in the boutique was in such a tedious and threatening tone, and Mum was pleading innocent. Mum had come home earlier that day with some fantastic clothes for every one of us, including herself, and we had spent the afternoon trying those clothes, an up and down as though we were in a fashion parade. Mum said something unintelligible out of downright fright, and Dad screamed that Mum was lying, and I looked into my sisters’ faces as they were already staring at mine, and though we didn’t speak, we confirmed that something was really wrong and that Mum was in trouble. In a flash, Dad had hit Mum several times, and we could hear every single thud, as loud as though there were amplifiers amplifying the thudding. It appeared to me immediately as something offensive. How could a human enjoy inflicting pain on another human, somebody with flesh and blood? I couldn’t figure out how I climbed the stairs and walked up to the room, whether I walked fast or slowly I couldn’t tell, I couldn’t even explain how words fell out of my mouth boldly and easily, nor could I tell if I had used the right words. But I could tell that I had told Dad with tears lacing my face, and without wasting words that Satan was actually his Big Uncle. He was taken aback, like someone who had just seen a burning bush which was not burning. He reddened immediately, and his face became fattened like a crumb of bread in water. His lips tightened, his eyes magnified and his teeth must have been grating against each other like grinding stone behind his lips. He never repented, he unbuckled his flinty and heavy leather belt and flayed me with it. I was not in the position to number the lashes, but if I had survived it, I could have asked Mum the number of strokes I had triumphantly survived. In few minutes, I was down; my eyes were blurred with tears. I looked at Dad standing and panting over me, holding his belt like God of War holding his flaming sword. I told him bluntly again, amidst tears, that I was sorry to have Satan himself as a Dad. He made to whip me again but Mum intercepted him. I saw Mum in her challenge but I had no strength to watch Mum give Dad a taste of the soup he cooked for her, because I fainted, or perhaps, I died.

6 healthy habits to be adopted for a healthy living style

6 daily routine healthy habits

Want to know why your skin is aging in your late teens? Why do you get tired after just lifting 3,4 kg weight? Why do you get tired and lazy all the time? Because you don’t have a healthy lifestyle and a good routine, no physical activity makes your bones weak and ultimately you desire to stay in bed all day.You need to follow 6 daily routine healthy habits.
Here are some effective tips to be followed to change your boring lifestyle and convert it into a healthier one:
1. Wakeup early in the morning, drink lemon water without adding sugar in it and go for a walk and workout. Walk should be atleast for 40 minutes and 11 minutes workout, it will make your body fit and strong. Waking up early kicks your laziness away and schedules your work for all day.
2. Drink at least 12 glasses of water all day, it hydrates your muscle tissues and prevents tiredness.
3. Just eat three times a day, don’t eat junk food and stay away from fatty foods, eat healthy foods. Consumption of fruits will make you healthier and your body strong.
4. Take shower daily, don’t shampoo daily but thrice a week.
5. Sleep early, wakeup early.
6. Have a healthy social circle, keep yourself happy and smiling, don’t let social make your face grumpy.
Hope you will follow these tips and make them your routine for a better and a healthier lifestyle, start it from today and tell your friends the same because you care for them and their health.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Treatment of asthma naturally by these 9 ingredients

Asthma (azma) is a chronic disease that blocks your airways and causes difficulty in breathing. Airways get narrowed which doesn’t let oxygen flow through easily. It makes the patient cough, wheeze, unable to talk properly and chest gets tight. Its also known as bronchial asthma. Asthma happens due to a number of reasons, which may include dust allergy, inherited, cold etc.
Taking too many homeopathic medications can be dangerous, its better to treat it naturally, because other medication can cause side effects. So, it should be treated properly otherwise it may become deadly. And you will be unable to workout and stay fit and get lazy and confined in one room.
Below mentioned are some herbs which will make you feel a lot better:
  1. Lavender:
Lavender has anti inflammatory effects, which is very beneficial in treating asthma. The blockage of airways is caused by inflammation which doesn’t lets air in and out making it difficult for you to breathe. Lavender oil was checked before making it a treatment for humans. Scientists induced asthma in mice and started giving them lavender oil for two weeks and checked if this oil works. So, they found out that it works due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Just put few drops of lavender oil in hot water and take in steam, inhale the steam for at least five minutes, it unblocks your airways and lets you breathe effectively.

  1. Peppermint:
The main reason for asthma are the allergens that releases a compound known as histamine. Peppermint has properties which makes it fight the histamine and can also stop its production. Methanol is present in peppermint which makes it beneficial for the nasal cavities and patients having asthma can breathe effectively.

  1. Tea tree:
Tea tree oil has anti inflammatory properties which is very helpful in treating asthma, this essential oil helps in reducing the allergies caused by asthma and fights inflammation making you breathe better. Just put few drops of tea tree oil in hot water and take in steam, inhale the steam for at least five minutes, it unblocks your airways and lets you breathe effectively.

  1. Eucalyptus:
Eucalyptus is known for bring relief in your airways through inhaling steam for asthma patients. Eucalyptus leaf is very beneficial for treating respiratory related problems. Just put few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water and take in steam, inhale the steam for at least five minutes, it unblocks your airways and lets you breathe effectively.

  1. Clove:
Clove has properties which are very beneficial for people suffering from asthma, clove oil helps reduce symptoms of asthma such as wheezing, coughing and chest congestion. You can mix the clove oil with carrier oil to dilute the clove oil and apply on your chest, rub it on your chest for 15-20 minutes daily and you will feel a lot better.

  1. Camphor:
Camphor treats a number of problems such as chest congestion, cough, throat irritation and asthma due to its anti-inflammatory properties. For chest congestion, mix camphor sesame oil in 1:20 ratio respectively and rub on chest, it will make you better very soon. Do it until you feel better.

  1. Turmeric:
Asthma can also be treated with the help of turmeric, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties which is very beneficial in removing mucus, soothing your air ways, and kills the infection. Turmeric powder helps in blocking histamine and make you breathe easily. You can mix turmeric in warm milk and drink, never in cold milk.

  1. Licorice:

Liquorice roots on a white background
Licorice is also known as “gan cao”, which heals a number of problems. Its highly effective in treating asthma. Its been used for thousand years and has been very successful in treating asthma and the symptoms, it helps get rid of mucus, chest congestion, allergies. So, if you feel symptoms of asthma you should use licorice root immediately.

Telling you Selling

Digital Media Increase Selling

Selling could be easiest thing if you concentrate on little things of human nature and official timings. These days selling is mostly done via digital media, websites and calling! If you want a successful deal with your clients and third party just follow these simple Selling rules:
  • The excellent time to cold call is among 4:00-5:00pm. The second great is 8:00-10:00am. The worst times are 11:00am and 2:00pm.
  • Thursday is the high-quality day to prospect. Wednesday is the second one exceptional day. Tuesday is the worst day.
  • In 2007 it took an average of 368 cold call tries to attain a prospect. Today it takes eight tries.
  • 80% of sales require five comply with-up calls after the meeting. 44% of income people surrender after 1 follow-up
  • After a presentation, 63% of attendees remember what has been taught while Only 5% recollect information.
  • 70% of people make buying decisions to clear up problems. 30% make selections to purchase some thing
  • Each year, you’ll lose 14% of your clients.
  • Prospects that buy have 58% extra objections than potential buyers. Learn to realize objections as they offer possibilities to remedy buyer issues.
  • The #1 motive Customers buy from you is not service, selection, quality or price — it is your confidence!
Enjoy your selling!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to get rid of acne and its scars fast

RELATED ARTICLE: Home Remedies to Remove Dark Spots Caused by Acne

Acne is caused by different reasons on different skins, acne is very normal that can affect many people. Acne mostly happen in teenagers, the main reason is puberty which changes hormone levels and makes your skin oily, oily skin is a protection for your skin, this oil then mixes up with the dead cells, blocks the pores of the skin causing bacteria to grow causing itching and making skin to rise and fill with pus, these risen skin is called acne. Hormones are the main reason for the acne growth, direct sunlight also causes acne. The main parts for the acne growth are, neck, face, stomach, feet, chest and back. They don’t harm you much but a person who has it feels uncomfortable due to his/her appearance.
Now you don’t need to be stressed out because there are some quick home remedies which will make your acne disappear in a very short time without leaving behind any scars, marks or black spots.
  1. Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil is the effective method to treat pimple/acne as it has natural antibacterial properties which fights with bacteria causing acne and ends them, also good for blemishes and it leaves the skin bright and beautiful.
  • Take few drop of tea tree oil in a container and take some cotton and dip that cotton in the oil completely and rub it on your pimples at night and leave it overnight.
  • You can also mix the 1tbsp tea tree oil with 2 lemon drops and 1 tbsp. aloe Vera gel and then with the help of cotton apply it on your pimples overnight and wash it in the morning.
Make sure your face is clean before applying this remedy.
2. Steam:
Steam is very good for the skin also best for treating acne. The steam opens the pores of your skin to pass oxygen and leave it fresh which results in no blockage of pores, no reaction of oil with bacteria. If you have pimples all you must do is follow these simple steps:
  • Take a big container and add in water, bring it to boil then cover it with a lid, take a towel wrap it around your head and don’t let the steam escape and let the steam come on your face, close your eyes and take steam for some time. After taking steam wait for couple of minutes and wash your face with tap water. And after that apply any oil-free cream.
3. Garlic:
Garlic treats pimples overnight just because of the properties it has. It is anti-oxidant and contains Sulphur which heals your skin and fights against acne. All you must do is follow these simple steps, make sure your face is oil free and clean:
  • Take one garlic clove, peel it and cut it into pieces, rub that inner juicy part on your pimple and leave it overnight.
  • Repeat this treatment every night if you don’t get your result in one night.

4. Baking soda:
Baking soda helps fights pimples off your skin as it’s an exfoliator that exfoliates your skin and makes the skin pores open letting the air in out of your skin. All you must do is follow these steps:
  • Take 1 table spoon of baking soda and few drops of lemon juice and mix them well.
  • Make sure your skin is clean and dry, apply it on your pimples/acne only and leave it for few minutes, not for more than few minutes. Wash your face with tap water and repeat this twice a day for quick results.
5. Honey:
Natural honey is a great antibiotic that help fight in number of diseases and problems, not just with your skin but also internal problems. Its antibiotic properties make it speed of the process of fighting with the bacteria that causes acne and removes it in some time. All you have to do is follow these simple steps to get rid of acne:
  • Either mix lemon drops with honey or use it alone and take cotton and dip it in the honey and rub it on your pimples, do it regularly and you will see the results in a very short time.
  • Apply it on your clean and dry face.

7. Papaya:
Papaya has several antibiotic properties that help fight with the acne and end them. It is an anti-oxidant that help kill inflammation it has vitamin A. leaving your skin smooth and shiny.
  • Grind the papaya and stain out its juice, take a brush and apply that juice on your face for good 20 minutes. Make sure your skin is dry and clean before applying this.
  • You can also make a mask of, all you have to do is take the papaya, grind it, separate the juice and take the extract left behind and apply it on your face unit it dries, then wash it off with a face wash.

8. Aloe Vera gel:
 Natural aloe Vera gel has so many properties to treat your hair, skin and other internal problems. It helps heal acne. All you have to is follow these steps:
  • Cut the natural occurring aloe plant and cut it into half, scrape out its gel using the spoon or a knife.
  • Don’t mix it with anything.
  • Just apply the gel on your pimples or your whole face for thirty minutes or overnight.
You should test your skin before using aloe as it’s not good for every skin.

Use any home remedy mentioned above for quick results, these remedies not just make your skin pimples free but also exfoliates your whole skin making it to breathe and leave it smooth and shiny.