Monday, November 27, 2017

How to keep your nails healthy

You do everything to keep your face healthy and glowing, but ever thought about finger nails? How do they look? Do they need care? Your nails need your attention, they need to be treated weekly for keeping them strong, healthy and good looking.
Your fingernails contain keratin and the growth of your nail starts from the base of your cuticle, your cuticles should also be healthy and neat, the sign of good nails is having same color of nails, spotless, good shape and a good pinkish color. If you don’t have all these signs then that mean you are lacking something and you really need care and treatment and that’s not hard at all, you can do it at home using all the natural ingredients.
  1. Keep your nails neat and clean, whenever you see dirt inside your nails, try to clear it out as soon as possible by washing your fingernails.
  2. Keep your cuticles clean too, for keeping your cuticles clean you should apply moisturizers, the best moisturizer is Vaseline.
  3. Nails get very sensitive when they get wet and break easily, for that apply alpha-hydroxy lotions. Whenever you wash utensils, try wearing gloves because the soap also makes your nails brittle and they break easily so take precautions.
  4. For discoloration of nails don’t take it light, either go to the dermatologist because they are the signs of infections or hepatitis.
  5. Consume sufficient amount of iron to make your nails healthy.
  6. Stop biting your nails, your nails are the beauty of your hands, take care of them.

For healthy nails you should follow all these trips and tricks:

  1. Eggs:
For strong and healthy nails, you should consume proteins like egg, meats, green veggies, dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt). All these foods are rich in protein and you should start consuming them. or simply you can do the following:
  • Take 2 table spoons of olive oil, 1 table spoon of honey and one egg.
  • Mix all of them together
  • Dip your nails in the mixture for at least five minutes
  • Repeat it twice a week for good healthy and strong nails.

  1. Coconuts:
Coconut milk, coconut and coconut oil all of these are natural, and they are highly beneficial for your nails, hair and your body, they help keep your nails pinky, they help prevent discoloration and make your nails strong and healthy. All you have to do is by the help of cotton, soak the cotton in coco oil and rub it on your cuticles every night. And wash it off in the morning. Make it a routine.

  1. Garlic:
Garlic is highly recommended for strong and healthy nails, it has anti-oxidant properties and it also helps in reducing cholesterol, all you have to do is rub fresh garlic on your nails weekly. Or you can also follow these steps:
  • Grate the garlic or chop them into really small pieces
  • Rub your nails inside them for five minutes
  • After that wash it off with soap to get rid of garlic odor

  1. Warm milk:
For good strong and healthy nails, start soaking your nails in cold water every night for at least five minutes daily and after that wash it off with only water and apply Vaseline on your cuticles and wash them in the morning. And you can also do one thing that will be very good for your body as well as nails, every morning drink one glass of milk, it will make your body and bones strong and your nails will also become healthier than ever before.

  1. Mustard oil:
Mustard oil is very good for your nails as well, you can dip your nails in the mustard oil, make sure that oil is warm, ask someone to massage your nails and cuticles for at least fifteen minutes to regulate blood flow which is very good for strong and healthy nails, this needs to be done every night, pamper your nail every night for better healthy nails.
  1. Sandalwood:
Moisturize your nails using sandalwood oil, it is a very good moisturizer for your skin, nails and hands, just apply in your fingers and nails and massage it, it will keep your nails dry and strong and healthier than ever before.

  1. Water:
Water is very essential for your body, drinking 12 glasses of water is very necessary for your nails too, it makes your cuticles strong and makes your nails healthy and pinkish it also prevents the yellow coloration of nails. You can also soak your hands in water for ten to twenty minutes to moisturize them and keep them healthy. You can also do the same for your feet nails.

  1. Flax seeds:
Flax seed oil is very essential for the growth and for keeping them strong, flax see contain omega-3 which makes your nail to grow faster and stronger. It nourishes your nails, it has anti-oxidants and minerals which increases the growth of your nails, all you have to do is massage flaxseed oil on your nails and cuticles every day.

  1. Apple cider vinegar:
To get strong and healthy nails, and getting rid of brittle nails another tip is apple cider vinegar, it is rich in nutrients and acids which helps make your nail strong and don’t let bacteria infect your nails. They keep your nails away from discoloration and keeps them healthy and pinky.

  1. Don’t ever wear fake nails:
Last but not the least, don’t ever wear fake nails, as they don’t let your nails breathe which causes bacterial infections and discoloration of nails and you can lose your nails forever, if you want good nails just follow all the tips and tricks and you will never need fake nails ever in your life.
These are all the little tips and techniques to be followed for perfect nails, all you have to do is take out time for yourself and pamper yourself, because you need to look good for yourself.

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