Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Home remedies to cure your sore throat

This changing weather is the main reason for dryness in the throat which causes itchiness and coughing and makes your throat sore. It happens as a result of immune system fighting with the infections of bacteria, it causes uncomfortability when you eat or drink anything, it causes pain.
There are many ways to treat them naturally, but initially whenever you feel like you are feeling some trouble with your throat you should stop drinking cold water and start avoiding eating foods that cause irritation and pain, instead consume medicines and take in warm water and strepsils will do. This way you can prevent yourself from the intense pain that was going to happen with you.
Tired of going to the doctors every next day, done with the medicines? Don’t worry there are many natural and effective ways to fight with sore throat problems.
There are some home remedies to be followed to fight your sore throat, some of the tested ones are listed down here as follows;

  1. Boiled egg:

Half boil the egg and eat it in breakfast and add pinch of black pepper and salt in every spoon of egg. It will soothe your sore throat because they are very rich in protein and omega fatty acids and is a soft diet to cure your throat infections and they help heal it in a short time.
Intake eggs for breakfast as long as your throat doesn’t get back to normal.
  1. Soup:

Soups are very good to intake if you are suffering from sore throat, not all the soups are good, please not that, soups containing tomato, vinegar or ingredients having acidic nature should be avoided because they will cause more irritating in your throat making the disease long, don’t even consume soup having ingredients such as dairy, chilies. But addition of garlic in the soup will help you speed up the curing process. So try taking in chicken or beef soup and avoid all the acidic, spic and dairy ingredients in your soup especially when you are taking it for curing your throat.
  1. Cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon has natural anti-oxidants which fights bacteria and helps speed up the healing process, it’s very recommended for sore throats, infections and flus.
Make cinnamon tea and drink it two times a day, all you have to do is crush the cinnamon and after making tea, add a pinch of cinnamon powder in your tea, never boil it with your tea.

  1. Warm milk:

Note WARM MILK, not cold milk as it will reverse the process of healing as it’s a dairy product, drink hot milk for your infections such as sore throat, you can add in honey or cinnamon or ginger too whatever you like to. Take milk every night before sleeping for a good sound sleep.
Warm drinks make you feel a lot better and comfortable when having sore throat problems rather than cold beverages.

  1. Ginger:

Ginger root is the best to cure your throat infections, mucus, chest congestion and coughing. All, you have to do is grind the ginger and stain its juice, take this juice 4 tbsp. and mix it in 2 tbsp. honey, and take one tea spoon of this solution thrice a day and before sleeping so you can have a sound sleep.
Or you can also make tea with ginger all you have to do is when you start to make tea, add the garlic clove in the water and make the rest of the tea like you make it, it heals your sore throat very quickly, and makes you very comfortable. 
  1. Steam:

Steam makes the mucus warm and melts it away, it is very necessary to take steam, also add Vicks in the steam to help healing faster. It helps ease your breathing and pain also reduces. It soothes your throat in a very short time and also if its paired with salt it will give you a more quicker healing. 
  1. Gargling Salt water:

Gargling salt water is very necessary to fight with the bacteria that caused infections in your throat and made it sore, make sure the water is warm, gargle for at least 6,7 times for soothing your throat and relieving pain.
  1. Honey:

Honey is also very good for curing throat problems, if paired with cinnamon, ginger, black pepper it can do wonders you can also add in in herbal tea. It is a natural remedy for sore throat, its rich in anti-bacterial properties and hypertonic osmotic which makes it performs functions like dehydrating inflamed tissues this in turn reduces pain, irritation and swelling from your throat leaving you feel free.
  1. Warm water:

Never ever consume cold water or cold beverages when you are having a sore throat otherwise it will last longer than usual. Take a thermos and fill it with warm water (not too cold, not too warm) and drink it like you drink water normally, until you feel healthy and fine with your throat problems.
Don’t eat junk, spicy, acidic, sour, oily foods that will worsen the situation even more, so follow what suits you above and you will feel a lot better and in some time you will be perfect, if you avoid what should be avoided and take in the food that is good for you at this time you will be good in 2 days. But if you won’t then it will take some time for you to get better.
All these are natural remedies that having amazing properties, you don’t need to go to the doctor for these little things, all you should have is knowledge about the ingredients you have in your home or are easily available anywhere and are pocket friendly and they are all tried and tested, and they help fight with the bacteria’s that causes infections in your throat and you are good to go. They are all natural, so you don’t have to worry about the side effects of them, just the right quantity and the right time matters.

Monday, November 27, 2017

How to deal with anger

Being angry is very normal, until it starts having a control on your lives, thinking negative, overreacting, making assumptions, overthinking this makes your blood boil and you burst out in frustration and do wrong acts, you make decisions that make you regret later, it’s just because you had no control on your anger, so it should be handled very carefully otherwise it may become chronic, and cause many problems with us and our loved ones, it may cause relationships to end and make you depressed later regretting about the decisions you made. You are a completely happy person anger is just a negative trait of yours, whenever something bothers you, you just lose control of yourself and then you lose yourself and say things you never meant to say.
There are many ways to get out of anger or just not say anything at that moment, and how exactly you are going to do that is not easy but is not difficult either, all you have to is believe in yourself that you can, and nothing can stop you believe me it’s in your hands, if you don’t want to lose your partner or friend you need to learn how to manage your anger.
  1. Stay quiet:
The best way to control your anger or manage your anger is by staying quiet, I know it’s not easy to stay quiet while your blood is boiling, and you want to react badly to the situation but that’s how it works, you have control over it and you just need to calm yourself down and teach yourself to stay silent, its hard but not impossible, you just have to give it a try once. If you find it difficult to stay quiet then just leave that place, talk to someone and share whatever happened, watch tv, play sports or listen to your favorite music, that helps a lot, at that time when you are angry don’t just burst out try calming yourself and staying silent, no matter you are faulty, or the other person is. Don’t let your anger control your situation otherwise you will have to face some serious consequences.

  1. Control your emotions:
Whenever you are angry try to stay positive by controlling yourself, show others that you are strong, don’t let anger take control on you but you take control of your anger. Just when you are about to react just do one thing, breathe deep for at least four to five minutes, let your blood flow get back to normal and then you will feel like your anger has gone away and it was just temporary, never bottle up your emotions they have to be released otherwise they may cause problems in your heart and brain, just go for a healthy activity, or try writing down your emotions, talk to a friend, or try to solve it out. Anger makes us think negative and wrong about that person and we start to hate him or her but believe me it’s just for the time being, so don’t make your relationships worse just because you couldn’t control your anger that was temporary, and you may lose your loved one forever.

  1. Don’t let others interfere (solve it yourself):
Ok now, if you are really angry and all you are thinking is negative about your loved one and you have started to hate him for just one thing he or she did was against your will, at this moment you need to be intelligent enough to not share this with anyone, because the other person will only know one side of the picture and may make wrong decisions which may make you lose your loved one, so never let others interfere in your lives and calm you down by telling you are right and the other person is wrong because they don’t know who is right, they were not there when all of this happened. Try solving your problems yourself, you know it better than anyone else and you will see that you did right by not sharing it with anyone and saved your relation.

  1. Forgive and forget:
Now if you are really angry and you don’t want to lose the other person and you love him or her just think is your relationship important or getting aggressive is important? Just leave, just leave your anger, take a deep breath and forgive them no matter it’s their fault or not, this way your relationship will be saved, and you will feel brave and strong that you didn’t let anger take control over you.

  1. Accepting facts and failure:
It’s okay if someone did something against your rules, it’s not end of you or the world, you can’t reverse it, just try this technique to accept what has happened and tell the person who was at fault to never do that again, get upset for a short time that’s normal, but don’t react just accept that the thing has happened and it can’t be undone, your anger can’t make the situation better it will just worsen it even more. So, try to follow this technique.

  1. Exercise and workout:
This is the most tried and tested technique for managing anger, if you are really angry put on your jogging shoes, and turn on your playlist and run and run and run, you will feel a lot better, you will try solving things in your mind and you will come to a positive solution, without shouting or screaming at anyone, believe me it’s the most effective one, it regulates your blood flow throughout your body making you calm and think positively.
If you just delete your ego from your lives, you will see wonders, you will become strong, anger also makes a person weak and makes him suffer from a number of diseases. Stay happy and stay optimistic, don’t let anger take control of your emotions, save your relationships and stop fighting. Make things work positively.

How to keep your nails healthy

You do everything to keep your face healthy and glowing, but ever thought about finger nails? How do they look? Do they need care? Your nails need your attention, they need to be treated weekly for keeping them strong, healthy and good looking.
Your fingernails contain keratin and the growth of your nail starts from the base of your cuticle, your cuticles should also be healthy and neat, the sign of good nails is having same color of nails, spotless, good shape and a good pinkish color. If you don’t have all these signs then that mean you are lacking something and you really need care and treatment and that’s not hard at all, you can do it at home using all the natural ingredients.
  1. Keep your nails neat and clean, whenever you see dirt inside your nails, try to clear it out as soon as possible by washing your fingernails.
  2. Keep your cuticles clean too, for keeping your cuticles clean you should apply moisturizers, the best moisturizer is Vaseline.
  3. Nails get very sensitive when they get wet and break easily, for that apply alpha-hydroxy lotions. Whenever you wash utensils, try wearing gloves because the soap also makes your nails brittle and they break easily so take precautions.
  4. For discoloration of nails don’t take it light, either go to the dermatologist because they are the signs of infections or hepatitis.
  5. Consume sufficient amount of iron to make your nails healthy.
  6. Stop biting your nails, your nails are the beauty of your hands, take care of them.

For healthy nails you should follow all these trips and tricks:

  1. Eggs:
For strong and healthy nails, you should consume proteins like egg, meats, green veggies, dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt). All these foods are rich in protein and you should start consuming them. or simply you can do the following:
  • Take 2 table spoons of olive oil, 1 table spoon of honey and one egg.
  • Mix all of them together
  • Dip your nails in the mixture for at least five minutes
  • Repeat it twice a week for good healthy and strong nails.

  1. Coconuts:
Coconut milk, coconut and coconut oil all of these are natural, and they are highly beneficial for your nails, hair and your body, they help keep your nails pinky, they help prevent discoloration and make your nails strong and healthy. All you have to do is by the help of cotton, soak the cotton in coco oil and rub it on your cuticles every night. And wash it off in the morning. Make it a routine.

  1. Garlic:
Garlic is highly recommended for strong and healthy nails, it has anti-oxidant properties and it also helps in reducing cholesterol, all you have to do is rub fresh garlic on your nails weekly. Or you can also follow these steps:
  • Grate the garlic or chop them into really small pieces
  • Rub your nails inside them for five minutes
  • After that wash it off with soap to get rid of garlic odor

  1. Warm milk:
For good strong and healthy nails, start soaking your nails in cold water every night for at least five minutes daily and after that wash it off with only water and apply Vaseline on your cuticles and wash them in the morning. And you can also do one thing that will be very good for your body as well as nails, every morning drink one glass of milk, it will make your body and bones strong and your nails will also become healthier than ever before.

  1. Mustard oil:
Mustard oil is very good for your nails as well, you can dip your nails in the mustard oil, make sure that oil is warm, ask someone to massage your nails and cuticles for at least fifteen minutes to regulate blood flow which is very good for strong and healthy nails, this needs to be done every night, pamper your nail every night for better healthy nails.
  1. Sandalwood:
Moisturize your nails using sandalwood oil, it is a very good moisturizer for your skin, nails and hands, just apply in your fingers and nails and massage it, it will keep your nails dry and strong and healthier than ever before.

  1. Water:
Water is very essential for your body, drinking 12 glasses of water is very necessary for your nails too, it makes your cuticles strong and makes your nails healthy and pinkish it also prevents the yellow coloration of nails. You can also soak your hands in water for ten to twenty minutes to moisturize them and keep them healthy. You can also do the same for your feet nails.

  1. Flax seeds:
Flax seed oil is very essential for the growth and for keeping them strong, flax see contain omega-3 which makes your nail to grow faster and stronger. It nourishes your nails, it has anti-oxidants and minerals which increases the growth of your nails, all you have to do is massage flaxseed oil on your nails and cuticles every day.

  1. Apple cider vinegar:
To get strong and healthy nails, and getting rid of brittle nails another tip is apple cider vinegar, it is rich in nutrients and acids which helps make your nail strong and don’t let bacteria infect your nails. They keep your nails away from discoloration and keeps them healthy and pinky.

  1. Don’t ever wear fake nails:
Last but not the least, don’t ever wear fake nails, as they don’t let your nails breathe which causes bacterial infections and discoloration of nails and you can lose your nails forever, if you want good nails just follow all the tips and tricks and you will never need fake nails ever in your life.
These are all the little tips and techniques to be followed for perfect nails, all you have to do is take out time for yourself and pamper yourself, because you need to look good for yourself.

Why you should always take off makeup before you sleep

Read blog on >>> "How to keep your nails healthy"

You should always take off your makeup before you go to sleep, it’s very important to wash off your makeup otherwise it will cause damage to your skin, makeup just makes you look prettier, but one should also take care of their skin, what happens when you sleep at night is your skin refreshes, the skin renews every night but if you won’t take off your makeup your skin won’t renew, because you are preventing your skin from renewing, the skin won’t have its pores open to breathe, so it’s very important to clean your face with makeup remover and also cleanse your face so it can remove all the dust particles from your face and will open your pores, before you go to sleep at night.
Makeup is made up of different chemicals which harm your skin, and keeping those chemicals on your face overnight is very dangerous for your skin, only a little care is enough to make your face brighter and fresh than ever before.
Why you should clean your face before sleeping? To avoid all these following consequences:

  1. Clogging of pores:
If you will not take off makeup before sleeping at night or not take proper care of your face and go to sleep after having all day visibility to pollution, your face will be clogged all night and your pores will be blocked which will result in pimples and acne on your face, no oxygen will not make your face look fresh, care is very necessary if you want a good face or results every morning. Just take out few minutes for yourself at night and wash off the makeup, if you haven’t done any makeup then just wash or cleanse your face and apply lotion (for dry face), and apply petroleum jelly to your lips and massage them, it will also regulate blood flow on your face, making you look pinkish and make your complexion even better. A little care is very necessary. Make it your routine.

  1. Wrinkles:
 Not taking off makeup at night before sleeping clogs your pores due to which your face can’t breathe, it also makes your face prematurely age, and you can see wrinkles under and beside your eyes, on your fore head, lines when you laugh. It breakdowns your skin and results in an aged face. Research was also done earlier in 2003 where researcher found out that females who didn’t wash their face for a month had their faces aged to 10 years older. So, take out time for yourself every night and cleanse your face for looking fresh and beautiful every day even without makeup.

  1. Infections/rashes/acne:
Our skin is the first line of defense against all the rashes and infections so if we put it at risk what do we expect? Yes, we should expect rashes, infections and acne, to the already sensitive skin they should take proper care of their skin, they should already follow the routine of taking off makeup immediately when they come home after the party, they should take extra care of their skin otherwise their skin will be open to infections because makeup contains many chemicals, which may not be good for our skin which if kept for a long time on our skin causes inflammation and redness of the skin, so always take off makeup when you go to sleep even if your skin is sensitive or not.

How to take off your makeup: 
Taking off making or cleaning your face before going to sleep is not hard, it just takes couple of minutes, it takes less time than that of applying makeup, just follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Makeup remover:

If you are having your makeup on you should always use makeup remover to remove your makeup, it all the necessary ingredients to clean and wipe your face so before just washing your face just remove your makeup with makeup remover after that you can wash and cleanse your face and apply lotion after drying your face completely and massage that lotion to regulate blood flow on your face.

  • Oil cleanser:

If you are wearing heavy makeup special on your eyes (heavy mascara, Kajal, eyeliner) cleansing oil is the best option to wear off the heavy makeup, it also acts like a nourisher which nourishes your skin, all you have to do take a cotton and drop few drops of cleansing oil on it and rub it on your face gently to remove all your makeup properly. After that you can cleanse your face with your cleanser and apply lotion. Properly moisturize your face before going to sleep, and watch the magic in the morning. Keep up this routine for good and a perfect toned face.

  • Milk:
If you don’t have a makeup remover or cleanser you can opt for a more healthy and natural option that is milk. You can use warm milk (not too cold and not too hot) as a cleanser, soak that milk on the cotton and rub gently on your face, under your eyes until all the makeup is completely removed, after that you can wash off your face with Luke warm water and a face wash and then massage lotion on your face properly for at least five minutes, do that daily for good results and a fresh natural beautiful face.
Makeup makes you look beautiful no doubt, that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing which makes you look good, but care of your skin is very necessary and important, if you love your face you should know how easy it is to make your face look fresh and natural for a very long time if you take care of yourself. Taking off makeup is enough and cleansing after that before going to sleep will make you look younger, so try following this routine for good results and getting rid of all the acne, pimples, wrinkles and dull face etc. AVOID SLEEPING WITH MAKEUP ON FROM NOW!!!